
Aluminium PCBs
Aluminium PCBs Aluminium PCBs, or insulated metal substrate (IMS), are coated with a thermally conductive thin dielectric and are used for parts requiring significant cooling, such as LEDs.

Flex PCBs
Flex PCBs allow electronic devices to be mounted on flexible plastic substrates. They are ideal for tightly assembled electronic packages where 3-axis electrical connections are required.

Rigid/Flex PCBs
Rigid-Flex PCBs Rigid-flex circuits are flexible circuits of hybrid construction consisting of rigid and flexible substrates, laminated together in a single structure. They have up to 20 layers

HDI/SBU PCBs HDI (High-Density Interconnection) PCBs are PCBs with micro and fine structures. SBU (Sequential Build Up) is a sequential extension of boards multilayer boards to increase board reliability.

Multilayer PCBs
Multi-layer PCB Both homogeneous (one base material) and composite (several base materials). It allows high assembly density, small dimensions and great flexibility.

Mono/Double-sided PCBs
Double-sided PCBs are one of the most popular types of PCB. They are composed of two layers, interconnected with metalized holes (vias). They are applied in any field of electronic industry

Microwave PCB
Innovative solutions designed for frequency ranges from megahertz to gigahertz, for communication signals in everything from smartphones to military radar.

3.45 mm PolyimideSequential Build-Up Drilling MIL STD
20 layers

1.2 mm RO4350/FR4/RO4350 Contr. Impedance STD IPC A600 class 3
6 layers

3.0 mm Polyimide +Kapton Rigid Flex (6 flex) MIL STD
18 layers

Detail of blind hole FR4 170° Diameter: 0.3 mm IPC A600 Class 3

3.2 mm FR4spect Ratio 12.8:1 Contr. Impedance STD IPC A600 class2
20 layers

2.6 mm FR4 + KaptonRigid-flex (6 flex) MIL STD
12 layers

2.8 mm Teflon/FR4/Teflon InternalCu: 18 / 105 μm MIL STD
10 layers

1.6 mm FR4 Blind & Buried Holes IPC 600 Class 2
8 layers

1.6 mm FR4 170° Buried HolesMIL STD
8 layers

3.45 mm Polyimide Controlled Impedance MIL STD
22 layers
lead free H.A.S.L.
Electroless tin
Electrolytic ni
Electrolytic ni
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