Vertical attitude
Since 1970, PCB technologies to support
industries in their most complex projects.
There are sectors that have always played a cutting-edge role in many technological innovations which, when used for other functions, end up pervading industrial production for mass consumption. This is the case for research in the field of defense of military origin, from which not only the internet was born, but a myriad of everyday objects, from the iconic Harley-Davidsons to smart watches. Physical and aerospace research also continue, with their repercussions, to shape our everyday lives: just think of avionics, navigation and communication systems that each of us uses extensively. This complex and hyper-specialised world is the world of Elco, which has always been a partner of the most demanding industry.

A crucial sector not only for telecommunications and Earth observation, but also in terms of the positive impacts generated across several industrial domains. The anti-lock braking systems, park assist devices, navigators and airbag sensors we find in our vehicles were originally developed for aerospace applications.
The International Civil Aviation Organization defines avionics as all the electronic systems used on aircraft, including radio communications, automatic flight control systems and instrumentation technology. Every innovation takes form and function from a PCB circuit board.
Defence R&D generously financed and equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories has consistently yielded positive effects for society. Take, for instance, the aeronautics industry, micro-electronics, and computer networks, with the World Wide Web and its profound impact on how we live and work today topping the list.
The medical science is continuing to make giant leaps, driven by technological innovations in equipment that are enhancing both diagnostic capabilities and treatment options. Every machine owes its functionality to a PCB circuit board; the health of millions of people depend on it.
Every sector of industry now relies on electronics. We are talking about billions of goods, from niche to consumer, all controlled by custom designed and manufactured printed circuit boards.
Technological advancements, deregulation and globalisation are causing significant shifts in this sector of the economy, leading to a convergence with information technology and media and creating a fiercely competitive market.
The transportation industry as a whole is experiencing the effects of the pursuit of safety, automation and energy sustainability, prompting a major drive towards innovation in the movement of both people and goods.
The impact of industry 4.0 on automotive manufacturing and the shift to electric have reshaped the industry. The role of electronics is becoming more and more relevant. The way cars are made and sold is changing dramatically as a result of leveraging connected digital and physical technologies (artificial intelligence, the internet of things, robotics, etc.).
What we do
Since 1970, the Elco Group, located in the heart of Abruzzo Marsicano, has collaborated all over the world with the R&D in the most technologically advanced sectors – aerospace, defence, automotive, medical, etc. – with vertical expertise gained over half a century of highly complex designs and with production know-how capable of ranging from high mix-low volume production to mass consumer products, which can count on the trading division based in Asia.

our services
Get premium services for your business
Our Sales Team integrates with Technical Office to support Customers with pre and post-sales assistance, helping to define and solve critical technical issues. The Quality and Laboratory departments guarantee incoming and outgoing inspections results.
Every production department “works as a single entity” to satisfy every request, whether it is rapid prototyping, mass manufacturing or niche manufacturing for big customers.